Check your order details are correct; if not, you can remove individual items or go back to the product pages and add new items to your shopping cart.
When complete go to Step C.

At Best Impressions we use PayPal's Secure Server for all our credit/debit card transactions:
When you place your order you will be
transferred to PayPal's Secure Server where you
can pay either with a PayPal account or directly as a guest with a Credit or Debit Card without the
need for using a PayPal account.

this may take up to 30 seconds
you can select your address details on the PayPal secure server.
If you would like any assistance, please call our customer service team on 01484 448030.
UK deliveries include the Isle of Man, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands.
Please Note: Orders placed from Europe are not subject to UK VAT but will incur VAT and Import Duties relevant to the
Country of destination. You may be liable for these additional charges when the goods cross the border into Europe. Please
call our office for further information.